Business Planning

Company or Business Unit Plans

- Strategic Planning

Sales and Marketing

Planning - Market definition, targeting, approach

- Management - Staffing, tools, incentive plans, establishment and monitoring of       performance metrics.

- Channel Development - Strategy, targeting, management, performance 

Acquisitions, Partnering, Vendor Selection 

- Acquisition Assessments - Go beyond the numbers.  Determine real market and  operational synergies with practical assessments conducted on premise with staff and customers.

- Acquisition Integration - Planning to expedite integration and return on investment.

- Partner Evaluation/Selection - Evaluation of real ability to meet RFP requirements  long term considering operational and service capabilities. Recommendations for performance metrics and incentives or penalties.

- Vendor/Channel Negotiations - Pricing and performance metrics that promote sustainable performance.

Development - Planning, Market Growth, Expansion

As you evaluate a path for growth through organic expansion, acquisition or partnership, Sage Ventures promotes return on investment.  We assure you start with the right foundation, and are poised to manage for results as planning transitions to operations.